Customer surveys & employee retention software for senior care

Giving Patients & Residents

a Voice

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The art of caregiving, combined with the insight of timely feedback and data, takes human experience to the next level.

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Who Is Pinnacle?

Pinnacle Quality Insight measures patient satisfaction for post-acute and senior care providers. Pinnacle partners with thousands of care providers across the US and Canada to interview patients, residents, and families. It is one of the largest providers of customer satisfaction surveys to senior care providers.

Meet Pinnacle’s Staff

Meet our Pinnacle Quality Insight staff and see our office.


Pinnacle interviews post-acute residents and family members via telephone. This helps providers hear exactly what their patients have said. Following survey best practices, these interviewers ask the respondent a series of approved questions and record the respondent’s remarks. Pinnacle recommends clients use these reports to create more specific, validated action plans.

How Pinnacle Can Help

Customer Feedback promotes transparency, improvement, and better overall care. Healthcare is a complex issue for each of us, and it takes all of us to try to improve. There are many stakeholders invested in positive outcomes for seniors.

Hospitals & Care Networks

If your hospital or care network is partnered with one of Pinnacle’s clients, there are lots of resources for you:

  1. Sharing Data – Pinnacle can share satisfaction data with you on behalf of the senior care provider. This can be done through a variety of methods. Please contact us if you want to receive data.

  2. Accountability – Pinnacle clients continually track their satisfaction levels throughout the year; ask your senior care partners to be updated on their:

    1. Overall satisfaction levels

    2. Key drivers of satisfaction

    3. Satisfaction improvement plans

  3. Individual Surveys – Residents, patients, and family members usually have a lot to say about their care. You can request transcripts of the interviews for patients in your care network. You can learn about a patient’s individual experience with their senior care provider.

  4. Awards – Pinnacle issues annual awards to the top care providers. Ask your partners which Customer Experience Awards™ they have qualified for.

Family Members & Prospective Patients

Whether you are considering a care provider for a loved one or whether you already have a care provider, ask them about their satisfaction levels. Ask them what they are doing well and how they are planning on improving some of their weaknesses.

Care providers that take the time to listen to the feedback of their customers are highly invested in positive outcomes.

The Benefits of Using Pinnacle

Receive a Higher Response Rate

Because of Pinnacle’s unique methodology, a higher percentage of customers respond to the survey.


If a respondent gives a low score on a survey question, they are asked to elaborate on their experience. This feedback is very valuable for providers.


Respondents frequently elect to include their names in their interview, which enables clients to follow up directly as needed.


Pinnacle urgently notifies its client if a respondent mentions litigation, safety, state involvement, severe dissatisfaction, or medication issues so that problems can be resolved quickly.


Pinnacle clients can compare themselves to other post-acute providers nationally and locally. If any client performs in the 85th percentile or higher for the calendar year, Pinnacle issues them a Customer Experience Award™.